Kuis PALS Assessment

  1. What is the initial fluid bolus for the pediatric patient? _________cc/kg of NS

  2. What is the initial fluid bolus for the newborn? _________cc/kg of NS

  3. What is the first dose of IV/IO epinephrine? ______mg/kg or_______cc/kg of the______________concentration.

  4. What is the subsequent IV high dose of epinephrine? _______mg/kg or_______cc/kg of the ______________concentration.

  5. What is the ETT dose of epinephrine?____________mg/kg or _________cc/kg of the _____________concentration.

  6. What is the dose of atropine? _________mg/kg

  7. What is the minimum dose of atropine? _______mg

  8. A patient presents with stable SVT. What drug should be used in this patient? _____________. What is the dose? _________mg/kg with a maximum of ________mg

  9. The first dose does not work, what is the subsequent dose? ____________mg/kg with maximum of ____________mg.

  10. A patient presents with unstable SVT. What should the initial cardioversion be? _________J/kg. With a subsequent dose of __________J/kg

  11. Pulseless V-Tach should be treated as _________________.

  12. In the space below write the algorithm for ventricular fibrillation? Ie, what is the initial defibrillation dose, and the subsequent dose, drugs, etc.

  13. Which of the following should be done first in a patient with V-Fib?

    1. Intubate

    2. Secure an IV

    3. Give epinephrine

    4. Defibrillate

    5. Cardiovert

  14. A patient with stable v-tach can be treated with which drugs?___________mg/kg

  15. A patient with unstable v-tach with a pulse should be treated with______________ at _________J/kg with a subsequent dose of _______J/kg

  16. List 5 causes of PEA:

    1. _____________________

    2. _____________________

    3. _____________________

    4. _____________________

    5. _____________________

  17. What is the first line drug in a patient with symptomatic bradycardia?_____________

  18. What is the most common cause of pediatric cardiac arrest?____________________

  19. What is the first line drug in a patient with PEA?_____________________________

  20. Why should all pediatric patients be weighed in kilograms and not pounds? __________________________________________________________

  21. Below what heart rate should CPR be initiated in the infant?_____________BPM

  22. Below what heart rate should CPR be initiated in the child? ______________BPM

  23. Above what heart rate is considered SVT in an infant?__________________BPM

  24. Above what heart rate is considered SVT in a child?____________________BPM

  25. What is the BP formula for pediatric patients?___________________

  26. AED’s can be used in patients over the age of _________________years.

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